DINA Dashboard – July 2016

DINA and our committees are staying quite busy in the warm weather. Here is a snapshot of our current summer activities. To stay updated, bookmark our web page, dineighborhoodassociation.org, and follow us on Facebook.
New Committees
Ownership Transition (contact transition@dineighborhoodassociation.org)
The full committee met in June with Jane Baker to review a to-do list of issues that the committee will research and investigate over the next several months. Three key topics that will be reviewed beginning this year are: all governing documents, financial statements, reserve accounts. Meetings will be held quarterly thru the end of this year.
This newly formed committee will pursue noise abatement for the lane expansion project for 526 as it crosses the residential areas of Daniel Island. We think this recently announced SCDOT project will provide an opportunity for a comprehensive environmental impact study as it effects the existing and newly constructed residential areas of Daniel Island along the path of 526.
Other Committees
Safety Committee (contact safety@dineighborhoodassociation.org)
This committee’s activities include: signing up volunteers for the 2016/17 school-year Safety Patrol Program (occurring now); coordinating single side parking sign requests with the city; re-painting and adding crosswalks with the help of the city; exploring the possibility of adding more School Zone caution signs.
Our safety committee would also like to remind all drivers to slow down and be cautious while traveling neighborhood streets and alleys, particularly in these summer months when children are not in school. Also, be courteous if you park on the street - think about your neighbors. We can make our streets safer just by parking in our driveways or garages. And remember to lock your cars and homes, and secure your golf carts, bicycles, and other valuables!
Land Use and Zoning (contact zoning@dineighborhoodassociation.org)
Activities include tracking a multitude of new developments across Daniel Island. You can use the link on the Land Use and Zoning Activity page of our website for a list of new planned developments.
Web and Social Media (contact webmaster@dineighborhoodassociation.org)
This committee keeps the DINA website and Facebook pages current.
Membership is working on ways to attract new members, as well as facilitating our bi-monthly meetings, collecting membership dues, and providing meeting refreshments.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 6.  Watch for announcements about the location and guest speakers.

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