Cogswell versus Tecklenburg: Runoff election for mayor set for Nov. 21

William Cogswell received the most votes for mayor of the City of Charleston, garnering 11,164 of the 30,805 total votes cast in the Nov. 7 Municipal Election. Incumbent Mayor John Tecklenburg was second with 9,936 votes. 
Cogswell received 36.2% of the ballots cast to Tecklenburg’s 32.25%.
Clay Middleton came in third with 5,651 votes (18.34%). Rounding out the field were: Peter Shahid (2,477 votes, 8.04%), Mika Gadsden (1,091 votes, 3.54%), and Debra Gammons (456 votes, 1.48%).
Since no candidate received more than 50% of the vote, the top two vote-getters – Cogswell and Tecklenburg – will face a runoff on Tues., Nov. 21, with voters casting their ballots at their usual polling location.
The Daniel Island Library will be an early voting center for the runoff and will be open Wed., Nov. 15 – Fri., Nov.17, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
The city of Charleston recreation bond referendum passed overwhelmingly with 24,065 of the 30,067 votes cast going in its favor, a whopping 80.04%.
The referendum asked voters whether or not they were in favor of the City of Charleston issuing general obligation bonds “in an amount not to exceed $70 million” for capital improvement projects, such as new parks, pools, playgrounds, trails and recreation facilities across the city.
Thomas Pritchard was elected Commissioner of Public Works for Charleston with 14,745 votes, representing 63.69% of the ballots cast.
Boyd Gregg, who was running unopposed for City Council Dist. 1, was reelected.
Local results for Charleston mayor by precinct:
Daniel Island 1
Cogswell - 414
Gadsden - 5
Gammons - 12
Middleton - 33
Shahid - 20
Tecklenburg – 223
Daniel Island 2
Cogswell - 153 
Gadsden - 4
Gammons - 4
Middleton - 30
Shahid - 12
Tecklenburg – 117
Daniel Island 3
Cogswell - 217
Gadsden - 8 
Gammons - 14 
Middleton - 40
Shahid - 29 
Tecklenburg – 193
Daniel Island 4 
Cogswell - 322
Gadsden - 8
Gammons -33
Middleton - 58
Shahid - 21
Tecklenburg- 280
The Village
Cogswell - 99 
Gadsden - 3 
Gammons - 5  
Middleton - 20 
Shahid - 15
Tecklenburg - 65  
Yellow House
Cogswell - 129 
Gadsden - 6 
Gammons - 6 
Middleton -  20
Shahid - 13  
Tecklenburg - 58  
Local Voter Turnout by Precinct
Daniel Island 1 – 27.13% representing 708 votes
Daniel Island 2 – 26.12% representing 321 votes
Daniel Island 3 – 27.31% representing 505 votes
Daniel Island 4 – 26.85% representing 722 votes
The Village – 14.60% representing 208 votes
Yellow House – 12.88% representing 233 votes

Daniel Island Publishing

225 Seven Farms Drive
Unit 108
Daniel Island, SC 29492 

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