DI home sales top $38.8M in November
Mon, 12/23/2024 - 9:53am

Trends point to a busy start to 2025
Tricia Peterson, Island House Real Estate
Twenty-three homes sold in November on Daniel Island. The total sales for the month were $38,841,400. As of Dec. 8, there were 78 homes listed for sale. Of those, there were 48 active listings, and 30 listings were under contract.
The most expensive home sold was on Lesesne Street. It sold for $4.3 million. The least expensive home sold was a one-bedroom condo on Bucksley Lane, which sold for $305,000.
According to Tricia Peterson with Island House Real Estate, over the past few months the real estate market slowed down due to the November election. However, she notes, now that the election is over, signs are pointing to a busy beginning of 2025.
“While the number of showings was down due to a smaller buyer pool and the days on market were much longer, the prices and price per square foot was still higher in November. Interest rates have shown a slight drop and mortgage applications are up. If you have been sitting on the sidelines waiting for prices to come down, you might want to talk to your Realtor about getting back in the market sooner than later,” Peterson said.
162 Balfour Drive - $4,150,000
3034 Baltimore St. - $1,099,900
124 Bounty St. - $1,065,000
128 Bounty St. - $1,450,000
400 Bucksley Lane #104 - $305,000
617 Daggett St. - $1,660,000
34 Dalton St. - $2,700,000
2544 Daniel Island Drive - $1,900,000
287 Delahow St. - $2,475,000
108 Fairbanks Oak Alley
#202 - $2,862,500
227 Fairchild St. - $1,615,000
8005 Gibbon St. - $1,500,000
78 Iron Bottom Lane - $2,575,000
2564 Josiah St. - $1,275,000
485 Lesesne St. - $4,300,000
145 Pier View St. #415 - $775,000
145 Pier View St. #311 - $382,000
1894 Pierce St. - $700,000
130 River Landing Drive
#10100 - $475,000
130 River Landing Drive
#2210 - $417,000
407 Spartina Lane - $1,950,000
2718 Waker St. - $2,750,000
Compiled by Katherine Smith news@thedanielislandnews.com