Brody, the fish-finding dog, gets doctor’s orders

Fishing in late April is pretty easy. The weather is fantastic. Warm temperatures and calm conditions prevail.
Baitfish, crabs, and shrimp return to the creeks in great numbers. Inshore, the trout, flounder, and redfish are enjoying an all-you-can-eat-buffet. 
Offshore, the water temperature is approaching 72 degrees and the pelagic species are here. Mahi, wahoo, and blackfin tuna are regular catches on the ledge, along with an occasional billfish in deeper water.
In April, the greatest angling challenge is deciding which fish you want to catch. The abundance of available species could not come at a better time.
Last week, Brody (the amazing fish-finding and stock-trading dog), had surgery to correct an issue with his left eye. After the surgery, the veterinarian informed us that Brody had to wear a head cone for two weeks.
Upon hearing the news, Brody became despondent. He hates wearing a head cone.
While Brody and I were processing the bad news, it got even worse. The veterinarian said Brody is not allowed on the boat for two weeks as well. Brody let out a mournful howl and dejectedly laid down on the floor.
Hoping to cheer him up, I told him we could have steak for dinner. Unfortunately, the veterinarian sternly told us no steak either!
Brody is now moping around the house and is super bored. I am without my fishing partner and fish-finding dog.
We are both hungry, as I am in solidarity with Brody. No steak for two weeks.
Needless to say, the vibe at the Peralta household is not good. No fishing. No steak. No fun.
However, when I get to feeling sorry for myself, I look at Brody and think, at least I don’t have that cone on my head!
Contact Captain Greg Peralta at or call (843) 224-0099.

Daniel Island Publishing

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