Cast and blast – a new Lowcountry family tradition

In the Lowcountry, hunting marsh hen is a fall tradition. I am not much of a hunter, but I get the allure.
Cool fall weather. Beautiful salt marsh setting. Hanging around with your family and friends. Additionally, marsh hen poppers are delicious.
On Saturday morning, Elliott, my son, Andrew, my nephew-in-law, and I set out on a cast and blast excursion. Our plan was to harvest a few marsh hens for poppers then catch a few redfish around low tide.
When we pulled away from the dock, the weather was perfect. On the ride out, I was thankful for the light jacket I was wearing.  
For us, hunting marsh hen is a pretty simple affair. Pole the skiff in the marsh. Marsh hens fly to escape the boat. Shoot bird. Poke fun and laugh at anyone who misses. Make poppers.
On Saturday, that is pretty much what happened. There was heavy emphasis on the “laughing at anyone who missed” part.   
After harvesting enough marsh hen for poppers, we picked up Brody at the dock and switched our attention to redfish.
The tide was getting low. Brody recommended a dock surrounded by oysters with a depth transition from two to 10 feet. The area was thick with keeper-size trout.
Typically, we release all our fish. On Saturday, we decided to keep a few for a cast and blast dinner. Fried trout and marsh hen poppers. Don’t tell my cardiologist!
As the tide fell, redfish moved into the shallow area around the oysters. Andrew and Elliott quickly caught their redfish to complete the cast and blast.
On the other hand, I could not catch one to save my life. Elliott and Andrew laughed and made fun of me. Even Brody looked at me funny.
Thankfully, I eventually caught and released my redfish. Cast and blast complete!
Back at the dock, we looked at pictures and reflected on the day. We all agreed it was really fun.
So, cast and blast is a new family tradition.

Daniel Island Publishing

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