Sherrill Holland wins this week's girft certificate

This week’s winner of The Daniel Island News Pig Skin Pick-‘Em Challenge is Sherrill Holland.
Upon learning that her 10-2 record last week was the top reader submitted entry and that she bested the sponsor, Tony Pope, Sherrill replied in an email, “This is great. Thank you. My Dad and I read through the choices and make our picks together each week. It’s fun. Never expected to win.”
Each week from now until the Super Bowl, readers will be given the opportunity to “Beat the Sponsor” and to win great prizes. We will email a link to the survey each Tuesday evening via our “Coming This Week” eblast and we will also put the URL link on our Facebook page and here in the paper, and on the bottom banner on our website, To be eligible to win, you must select your entries online by noon on Friday. There is no cost to enter. If you’d like to be added to our eblast, please send your email address to
You can also enter by going to to fill out your ballot or by dropping a paper ballot to our office by noon on Friday.
Each week, we will also include a running win-loss record for each of our sponsors and the paper will donate $500 to the charity of choice of the sponsor who has the best overall win-loss record at the end of the season.
The sponsor standings continue to be close. This week, UBS widened its lead over 843 Health Marketplace.
First place - Steve Meyer/Jeff Burton of UBS (134-60); second place - Dave Williams of 843 Health Marketplace (132-62); third place - Helen Girl Brown (126-68); fourth place - Dr. Estes of Southern Orthopedics (121-73); fifth place tie – Tony Pope State Farm (120-74); sixth place - Phil Bowman, sportswriter for The Daniel Island News (119-75); seventh place – the employees of the Daniel Island Grille (111-83); and eighth place - Cara Schaafsma of Irongate Realty (107-87).