
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.   As a child of the 1960s growing up in Memphis, Tennessee, I am old enough to remember, ever so vaguely, scenes of President John F. Kennedy’s funeral...
According to U.S. News & World Report research, bit.ly/3xVsFAo, the most popular dog name in the country – and in South Carolina – is Bella, followed by Luna at No. 2.   Also ranking in SC, Max at No. 3, Charlie fourth, and Buddy fifth. Other names in the U.S. top 10 are Daisy, Coco, Lucy...
As we recently concluded what is likely our final House session until January 2025, I am proud to reflect on the accomplishments of the 2023-2024 legislative session.    We made significant strides in reforming the way judges are chosen, cutting your taxes, and supporting our first responders...
July is National Ice Cream Month and a recent study showed that Superman is the favorite flavor in South Carolina. Do you agree?   Affordable Seating, (affordableseating.net) a restaurant furniture manufacturer and wholesaler, analyzed Google search data for over 100 different ice cream...
Living in coastal South Carolina and thoroughly enjoying time at the beach, I have come to get acquainted with seagulls.   I have had a love-hate relationship with seagulls over the years. I have been fascinated by watching them at the beach, whether in flight or walking along the sand in...
The chorus from health and wellness experts is familiar: get plenty of rest, eat a balanced diet, and make time for exercise. But one key area appears to be missing: friendships.   Though seldom viewed as such, friendships not only are the cornerstone of a vibrant life; they’re also linked...
The first debate of the 2024 Presidential Election was held June 27. Did you watch the debate?   Comments: Do you think debates change voters’ minds?   For more comments on this and past surveys go online to bit.ly/45vehL9.    • I believe true independents may have been swayed but...
The Lowcountry is getting ready to light up the sky as Fourth of July celebration preparations are underway. Whether it's a day on the water, at the beach, picnics in the park, or cheering on your favorite teams, the events usually conclude with some spectacular firework displays. So, where do you...
In the June 6-12, 2024, edition of The Daniel Island News, 73% of readers said teens should work during the summer because it builds character and teaches responsibility.    I agree! Busy hands are happy hands.    I loved reading about the first jobs people held as teens.    My first...
As the story goes, a kindergarten teacher once posed three simple questions to her 24 curious, eager, and energetic students. She asked them to raise their hand if their answer is yes.   Q1: Do you know how to draw? Every hand in the air!   Q2: Do you know how to dance? Twenty-four...


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